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Important Info...

Please look at this page for important weekly information updates regarding our classroom.  Below are some beginning of the year important pieces of information that will help make this year run smoothly for all of the children.

Snack/Drinks-- Please be sure you send your child with a healthy snack and a drink daily. Also, please send your child with a water bottle everyday as it is important to stay hydrated throughout the day and we will take "drink breaks" often.


PE--is on Tuesdays/Fridays. Please be sure that your child wears gym shoes on these days and wears a white or red t-shirt and/or Bell School Spirit wear t-shirts.








Wishlist-- Our classroom wishlist was posted outside our classroom the first day. Our classroom wishlist consists of items that are needed to provide fun/engaging classroom activities throughout the year. I would be so grateful (and so will the children) if each family could donate several items to make these activities a 'reality' . If you didn't get a chance to sign up for anything , you will have an opportunity at Curriculum night. Thank you in advance for your support of our program !



Curriculum Night --This Tuesday ,September 20th from 6-7:30pm. Please join me at this "parents only" evening to learn about our kindergarten curriculum, classroom expectations and our goals for this school year. It is very important that at least one parent from each family attend to learn how we can work together to make this a great experience for all of your children.

 Milk --Just a reminder that if you want your child to have milk at lunch ,they must take a vegetable and a fruit. If they do not want a fruit and vegetable then please send 45 cents daily in a ziploc bag with their name on it in their home folder or load money on their lunch account through our school website.

Questions /Concerns :

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me via backpack mail, email me at or leave a message at 773-534-5150 and I will respond within 24hrs.  However, if there is an emergency during the school day,please contact the main office at the same above number ,as I do not check email during the day.

Thank you --Stacy Hauser,kindergarten teacher

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